While we live in a fast-paced world, good old etiquette is always in fashion. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to bridal dos and don’ts.

1. Announcing the Big News
No matter how exciting it might be to post that beautiful engagement ring on social media, take the time to inform your relatives and close friends before sharing the news with the world. If one or both of you have children, they should be the first to know.

2. Sharing the Cost
Today, more and more couples choose to pay for their own wedding. However, if both sets of parents insist on offering a helping hand, take the time to sit down and have a conversation with them about your vision and the budget.

3. Interfaith Wedding
Make sure to combine elements from both faiths. To help your guests, write in the wedding program the details and signification of the rituals that will be performed.

4. Bridal Shower
Everyone invited to the bridal shower should also be invited to the wedding. The maid of honour or the parents of the bride or groom can host the party

5. RSVP and Invitation
Choose the proper formulation on the invitation. Those who are financing most of the costs should be the one hosting and inviting; therefore their names should be first on the invitation. Always write in third person and be mindful of titles (Captain, Doctor, and Senator).

6. Children and Extra Guests
If children’s names or “and family” are indicated on the invitation, they are invited. If the names are not listed, they are not. Same rule applies to plus ones. If the invitation mentions, “with a guest,” it is expected that the answer should include the name of the accompanying guest.

7. Dress Code
Take the time to write down the dress code on the invitation. Formal, casual or white tie, no matter the dress code, make sure your guests are informed well in advance to avoid complications.

8. Thank you notes
Though it’s best to send a thank-you note as soon as possible, you have approximately three months to express your gratitude. If the three-month timeframe has elapsed, send any lingering thank-you notes as soon as possible. Sending an email or putting a generic thanks on social media, your wedding website, or anywhere else does not replace a handwritten note.